Sunday, February 21, 2016

Annexation of Hawaii

Political Cartoon Analysis

This cartoon is about the Annexation of Hawaii. This is shown through the falling of the apple from the tree to Uncle Sam's hat. The cartoonist's message that America will only have the best for themselves. At the bottom of the page it says "Uncle Sam catches the ripe fruit" which is a clear demonstration of the cartoonists message. I can imagine some people having the opinion of America taking what they can get settling with that. The cartoonist used labeling and symbolism to make this cartoon persuasive. Labeling is shown through the names written on the fruits in the tree. Symbolism is shown through Uncle Sam's hat. It represents America and the fruit falling into it shows America annexing Hawaii from the tree or their independence if you would. this demonstrates my view on American imperialism because i believe that america is only willing to take the willing and capable countries.  

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